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4AM头号粉丝2年前 (2021-12-08)4AM资讯3177

The Mass Incident in Dazhu County

  This is a restricted story right now. You can Baidu the keywords (such as Dazhu, Nest Business Hotel, Yang Daili, etc) and most of the unofficial links are dead (except through the Baidu cache). Here is the official version:

  (Sichuan Online via Phoenix TV)

  [in translation]

  At 4pm on January 17, 2007, a mass incident occurred due to the death for unknown reasons of a female employee at the Nest Business Hotel in Dazhu county, Sichuan province. Peace has been restored, and the suspected rapist Liu Chikun (who was an employee at the Nest Business Hotel) has been detained. The militia policeman Xu Daxiang was suspected of being a partner in the hotel against the rules has been placed the "double regulations."

  At around 4am, Decmeber 30, 2006, the Dazhu county public security bureau received a report from the county's Nest Business Hotel: hotel female employee Yang Daili has died of unknown reasons after being sent to the Dazhu county People's Hospital. After receiving the report, the county public security bureau mobilized its forces to investigate and solve the case. On the afternoon of January 15, the family relatives of the deceased plus several hundred citizens assembled in front of the Nest Business Hotel to demand a rapid resolution of the case.

  In order to speed up the case investigation and educate the public, Dazhu county immediately formed a special incident leadership group including the principal leaders of the county party and government as well as relevant department heads. On the afternoon of January 16, the Dazhou city party secretary Li Xiangzhi and city party deputy secretary and city mayor Luo Qiang paid a high degree of attention to this matter and made three clear demands. First, the police must be mobilized to solve the case as quickly as possible and mete out punishment in accordance with the law. Secondly, the family of the deceased and other realtives must be assuaged. Thirdly, the disciplinary and audit committee will take the lead to investigate the allegations from the masses that the police had business stakes in the hotel as against the rules, and mete out punishment in accordance with the law. At the same time, the city deputy secretary Xu Jian, city part standing committee member and deputy mayor Deng Hongzhi proceeded to the scene to take command.

  At 4pm on January 17, a small number of persons charged into the hotel and clashed with the staff. There were physical assaults, vandalism and arson, as several thousand people watched. After the incident, the provincial capital leaders paid a high degree of attention and issued important directives on the work. The major city party and government leaders arrived personally at the scene to take command and quickly put a stop to the incident and make sure the citizens would not be hurt. The public security police, firemen and various cadres worked together to put the situation under effective control. The fire was rapidly put out and the surrounding crowd was persuaded to depart. The incident was over.

  At the moment, following the preliminary examination and investigation of the provincial capital public security bureau and the disciplinary committee, the suspected rapist Liu Chikun (who was an employee at the Nest Business Hotel) has been detained and the militia policeman Xu Daxiang has been placed under "double regulations" for suspicion of being involved in the hotel business. At the same time, the proviincial capital disciplinary committee and public security bureau has established a special case squad to pursue further investigation. If there are dereliction of duty or abuse of power, then those responsible will be severely dealt with in accordance to the law and the disciplinary rules. There will be no mercy.









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